Barkeeper Featured Barkeeper content moving to its own Blog As Barkeeper has been growing in popularity, we have decided to spin of its content into its own application specific blog.
Barkeeper Featured How do we provide SSL for custom domains? One of the technical hurdles we had to solve with Barkeeper was how to securely and safely serve our customers' pages over SSL while also allowing for custom domain names for any location or group. In this article, we'll go into a little detail of the tools and services we used to achieve this.
Barkeeper Featured Barkeeper Launch Languages With the full public launch of Barkeeper just around the corner, we thought we would answer some questions about the languages we will support out of the box when we launch, and when we plan to add additional languages.
Barkeeper Featured Introducing Vector: Peace of Mind for your venue Vector serves as a purpose-built communication tool exclusively designed for bars and clubs to securely exchange vital information. It handles lost and found items and cloakroom management, while also helps to combat antisocial behavior and improve loss prevention.
日本語 最新製品「ベクター」のご紹介 Vectorは、バーやクラブ専用のコミュニケーションツールとして、重要な情報を安全にやり取りすることができます。遺失物やクロークの管理はもちろん、反社会的行為への対処や紛失防止にも役立ちます。
Barkeeper Featured Using AI to calculate a fair review score for a venue In this post, we explain how we use some AI and old-fashioned content scraping to generate a fair review score for a venue. We call this "FairScore" and it makes up part of our product, Barkeeper.
Projects Featured Designing a static / dynamic website builder hybrid Barkeeper's website generator allows customers to build great website for their venue without having to worry about things like mobile friendliness, search engine optimization or any of those other headaches.